Friday, December 16, 2011

3 Year Old Birthday Celebration (Part 1)

Today is Daddy's birthday and together with Mummy, we made a cake for Daddy last night. It was fun as I decorated the cake with lots of colored cream and M&Ms. Daddy was very surprised with the cake and he thought it was very well done. After singing Daddy a song and he cut the cake, we got ready to go to school where Mummy and Daddy had prepared my birthday celebration with my school friends.

The cake for my party was from Jane's Cake Station. Daddy picked it up yesterday so that we can have it this morning for the party. Mummy added more M&Ms around the edges and it looked really colorful. Most of my friends were there to celebrate my birthday with me while a few of them were gone for their year end holiday. Ms Yda helped me to prepare the cake and as I tried to blow out the candles after the birthday song, they just wouldn't go off. Mummy had prepared the funny candles for me and my friends and we had a fun time trying to blow out the candles. A lot of saliva also landed on the cake but everyone just ignored that. The chocolate cake was delicious and everyone enjoyed it. Thank you Mummy and Daddy for the cake.

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