Saturday, March 2, 2013

Picnic by the Beach

Today Mummy and Daddy decided to do something special. We were planning for dinner and they thought maybe we should try having a picnic by the beach.

So after my Yamaha music class, we headed to Cold Storage and bought some food for Mummy to prepare for our picnic dinner. Andrea and I were supposed to get a catnap once we get home so that Mummy can prepare the dinner. I did but Andrea didn’t and Daddy had to entertain her.

Just when we were getting ready to leave the house, we noticed that the skyline was filled with dark clouds. Mummy and Daddy decided that we should just go anyway, maybe the clouds will drift away. We were very hopeful until we were at the beach and the rain started pouring. We decided to wait out, hoping that it was just a passing shower.

After 15 mins in the car, the rain stopped and we decided that we should just go out anyway. We headed to a sheltered area where Mummy fed us our dinner. And when we finished our dinner, I was able to play with my scooter and Andrea was running around. We had a great time at the beach and had to leave when it started getting dark.