I used to have a pet caterpillar for a few days before it left the container to become a butterfly. And for that few days, I would wake up in the morning and the first thing that I asked for is to see the caterpillar. When I got home from school, the caterpillar would be the first thing that I looked for. Until a few days later when I came back to an empty container and Nai Nai said the caterpillar has left to begin it's metamorphosis into a beautiful butterfly.
So Mummy and Daddy felt that it is time to get me a real pet and for a start one that doesn't require too much cleaning. Hence the introduction of my first fighting fish. At first I called it Alice but later I changed my mind and called it Ella. Don't ask me why cos I don't even have any friends called Ella.
I would have fun feeding Ella which I do 3 times a day. I would even hug Ella when I leave for school. I hope Ella will grow into a big fish.